Saturday, June 27, 2009

Time Off; A Refreshing Twist

After many weeks of working I have finally taken a couple of days off in a row. My husband and I joined our friends (John and Rose Ebert) on a Brewer Game outing.

I have only been to a professional baseball game once before. It was with my husband, who wasn't feeling well that we arrived early and left early. I think I saw a total of two innings.

The Ebert's know how to do things right...we tailgated, we stayed for the whole game AND the Brewer's won!

I spent quite a bit of time showing my friends that I know nothing about baseball...things like: Fielder; is that left fielder, right fielder or center fielder? Braun; it that like Braun Electric (we use them for our farm)? Not too impressive for my friends!

Another thing I learned is, that there are pom girls at the baseball games...never knew that before. There were a few in the crowd and 2 in Bernie's Dugout (I didn't snap a shot of them, sorry).

I just know that it was very refreshing to have some time off and I truly enjoyed spending time with good friends. God Bless and have a great weekend!


Paint Girl said...

I have only been to one baseball game, I like it but prefer football and hockey! I like fast paced sports! Sounds like you had a great time.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

TnTConnect said...

I love your blog and am now following your mom...hopefully I will get to the rest of your family...everyone is soooo interesting! Thank you for stopping by!