Thursday, January 31, 2008


First and foremost I would like to thank Greyhorse Matters for tagging me for this fun and informative game.

Here are the rules for this–Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Post 7 random or weird facts about yourself on your blog. Tag 7 people and link to them. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

1. I believe I have the best kids in the world! No weird fact here...however, their age differences are: 21 (son); 15 (daughter); and 5 (daughter).

2. I purchased my 1st horse when I was 30.

3. My goal for blogging is to become a better writer.

4. In September of 2007 I started to milk my husband's cows...the weird part of this fact is, I am a city born and raised girl and was left on my own with the farm by week 2.

5. Cleaning manure in the barns is more fun for me than cleaning the house.

6. I love to cook, but hate to do the dishes.

7. My father was in the Army; therefore, I have live in many places.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed reading so many others! Now...who shall I tag?

Wooly Pigs

I know this is not seven, but the best I can do on short notice. If you are reading this and have not been tagged, please consider yourself tagged and send me a note (as well as link back to me) and I will be happy to check out your meme and comment. Happy BLOGGING!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Down on the farm...Lethal White Part 2

Lethal White Part 2...
How the stallion breeder handled this situation.

While all the heartache of losing my beautiful baby (my daughter named Flicka) was going on; it didn't occur to me what was going to happen next.

I contacted the breeder and she did inform me that her stallion had been tested and confirmed for lethal white. What she didn't know was if the results had been back at the time we bred my mare. Her opinion was that I knew about the disease and was willing to take the 25% chance that I could end up with a lethal white baby.

I assured her that I did not know those risks and knowing the risks I would not have chosen another Overo. I most certainly would have chosen a Tobiano stud. She let me know that there is a live foal guarantee and that a lethal white baby is not considered a live foal. I then asked if what that did mean for me as my mare was no longer alive and my Quarter Horse mare was already at the breeder's. I had no other mares or options.

Kim was very flexible. She told me that I could "lease" a mare, have a baby already on the ground or she had a mare that had not yet foaled. The colt on the ground was going to possibly have dental issues, I could not afford the lease option so we worked out a deal for me to take the baby that had not yet been born.

After many discussions, I asked about bringing the mare to my property for foaling. Many people thought I was crazy. This option made me responsible for feeding, vet care, hoof care, and all other daily management of the mare. My thoughts were; if I had the mare, I could control the nutrition of the mare and foal as well as get to immediately bond (imprint) with the baby.

We trekked over 2 hours to pick up Ginger and here is the beautiful gift we received about a month later...

I was supposed to wean Misty around Thanksgiving and return the mare, however, I received a call from Kim in October saying that she was ill and having to reduce her herd. For a very small fee would I like to keep Ginger? Needless to say, we now have two additions instead of our one.

Please do not misunderstand this post; there is nothing that will ever replace the beautiful Flicka for me.

I would also like to thank the breeder for her support during this very difficult time for me. I am just sorry that a life was lost due to my lack of knowledge.