Sunday, September 19, 2010


With multiple jobs and no time to spare, I find myself missing the blog world more and more.  I wish I had the time to comment on all the great blogs I read (in a few spare minutes that I should be doing something cleaning my house).

I thought I would take the time to do a quick update...

Tabby Bar Leo (my favorite horse in the whole world) is sick.  Still running tests, but she has dropped so much weight that I hardly recognize her.  The vet has been out repeatedly.  Obviously we are going to keep working on this until she is feeling better and gains back her weight (this is a must before we get a full blast of winter).

My husband and I are still working off the farm and on the farm.  This is frustrating for me as there is still never enough money to go around.  The kids are back in youngest is in the 2nd grade, my middle child is a senior and my oldest graduated 6 years ago.  I don't understand how so many moms out there can be so happy when their children are gone.  I still miss my son so very much and am already missing my daughter as she is always so busy with work and school.

For the first time we raised some chickens (for meat) and just brought them home from the butcher.  I am looking forward to baking one in the near future.  Now we have three little pigs that we are raising.  This is also a first for me.

Well, it is time to head back out...hope all is well with all of you out there.  Feel free to leave how you are doing in the comment section.

Miss you all!


Flat Creek Farm said...

Kind of makes you feel like you're coming and going, huh? Glad to hear from you, and will say a prayer for your special horse. Hope she makes some headway soon toward recovery! That is so worrisome. And.. You are so right to enjoy and embrace those kiddos.. because they truly do grow up so fast. -Tammy

PaintCrazy said...

Good to hear you are working hard and keeping busy but not so good about your horse. I hate to say it but that's why there is still not enough money!! The vet seems to get every spare penny though I bless him every time he performs a miracle.

I saw you checked in on my blog - all good on our side of the world though like you, busier than heck but still no money!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Working on the farm and off the farm has got to be hard! I tried it for awhile and I had a hard time keeping up!

I have a junior and a freshman in college and I still miss them both. It does get easier though!

I sure hope they find out what is wrong with your horse!

George Luker said...

Looks like a pretty big hobby farm. Good on you.

Animal Identification

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a friendly comment, too. I love how you're new to this farming thing and learning as you go. Sounds like you've come a long way already.
I had plans to raise some meat chickens a couple years ago, but we always tend to give our critters names...and once something has a name around here, we just find it too hard to eat it. lol!
I bet it's gonna be great to have some of your own farm raised pork and bacon in your freezer, too.

I'm sorry that your special horse is sick. I hope she gets better soon and the vet figures out whats going on. I get very worried about my own mare when she acts weird or reverts back to some past lameness issues.

I agree with you about missing your kids and not understanding how other parents can be so eager to send them off to school or out into the world. That's why we chose to homeschool our 3 kids (teenage twin sons, and an 8 yr old daughter) over 6 years ago. I so enjoy just hanging out with my kids and going places with them. They are so much fun and so interesting to talk with. I'm going to have a difficult time when they finally do become adults and move out and start their adult journey.


TnTConnect said...


Thanks for stopping by! Unfortuneately, we have named and eaten our animals. Sounds cruel, however, the kids know what some of the animals are here for.

It is very funny when a steer starts out with a cute name; like Ferdinand the Steer...and ends up with his name being T-Bone. LOL The attitude they get sometimes makes us a bit more understanding when it is time to send them to our friendly butcher. :)

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Wow, busy gal! I saw your comment and came over to check it out!