Friday, January 1, 2010

When One Door Opens...The Final Story

We are truly starting 2010 with a BANG! My husband is starting a new job on the 4th AND so am I!

I am very worried as I will still be responsible for the farm, the house, the kids, the new job and my husband is sickly most of the time. Feels like a lot of things going on, but I am certainly going to try!

With the farm, we have had a guy working part-time for us for the last 2 years; he has always wanted more hours. We don't take an income from the farm, I don't get paid for my time there. My theory was that if I worked off the farm and paid someone a little less than what I was getting paid, I would be farther ahead. We will see if this works.

My problem is letting go, I am a bit of a control freak and it is difficult to not be there for each milking and trust that everything will be as good then as it is now.

When we first started milking my SCC (somatic cell count) was usually below 100 (this is very good for most farms), then we had some equipment issues that took me too long to diagnose and caused our SCC to average 180. This caused me a lot of stress as I believe that keeping control of the SCC means my cows are comfortable and I am producing a high quality milk. Now our SCC is averaging in the high 90's again and I just don't want to lose that.

Regaining control of the SCC is like trying to lose weight. It is soooo easy to go up and soooo hard to bring it back down.

Enough of my fears, I just wanted to put out the "DOOR IS FINALLY OPEN!!!!!" post. We are excited and I will let you know later how we are at juggling all the new things.


PaintCrazy said...

I am soooo happy for you!! And you WILL be able to do this and make it work. There have been periods in my life where I was pretty amazed that I was able to do all that I did in a single week but the theory is that if you want something done give it to a busy person and I really believe that's true. Go get 'em girl!!

Once Upon an Equine said...

Glad to see you back, and hoping that 2010 starts off well and keeps getting better. Good luck with your new jobs and all that you have to manage at home and at work.