Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is it me...?

Is it me?  Lately, as I am responding to posts, I hit the submit button and ... nothing happens.  I wait and wait, then finally I get tired of waiting and hit the button again.  This time it works, great right?  Nope, now my comment is posted multiple times.  Very frustrating!  Any ideas (besides being patient)?

While I have your attention, I am also wondering what blogging etiquette is for comments.  I read so many great blogs, but by the time I get to them there are so many responses that anything I have to say is already said.  I truly want the author to know that I am reading (I read about 99% of all the blogs I follow), but don't want to sound like I am copying someone else or dumb.

I would love to hear if any of you have ideas on these subjects!  Are there etiquette rules for blogging?  Thank you for your responses! 


IanH said...

I think that if something impresses you, comment away. There are no dumb statements, and quite often the emphasis of having a repeat is great!

Mama H said...

Your commenting problems may have something to do with Blogger, or your internet connection. But, you are not along, one of my other friends has emailed me explaining that she can't comment on my blog, as well as a few others! Other than that I'm not much help.
As far as comments go, I love to hear anything, even more than once! The same thing, even when coming from another person, still means something.

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

I usually don't read the other comments, so I just leave my reaction within the comment even if it does end up being a repeat of what someone else said. My rule of thumb is to always think about how my comment might make the blogger feel. If it's possible for the comment to be taken the wrong way or elicit a negative emotion, I don't leave the comment. I've had people leave comments on my blog that hurt my feelings or changed my mood for the worse. I always wonder, "What was the point in that? Was it really necessary for them to be so snarky?" I don't want to be that way toward others. Life is just too hard to be making it even more difficult. Blogging should be about supporting one another and bringing out smiles and laughter.

TnTConnect said...

Ian: Thank you for your thoughts!

Mama H: I thought the commenting thing was all me (not being patient). Glad to know there are others with issues out there. You are right about hearing from others, it just feels funny to say the same thing if I am the 23rd commentor. But you are probably is always nice to hear from others.

Nuzz: My problem is sometimes my written words don't do justice to what I am thinking. I do, however, keep my comments to myself when I think they might be hurtful.

Thank you all for your thoughts!

SunnySD said...

Good question - I know the feeling. I don't know if there's an etiquette or not either.

If there are a lot of posts sometimes I comment anyway. Sometimes if I feel like I'm just chiming in, I don't. Sometimes I read all the comments, sometimes I skim... I guess it depends on the subject of the post, too.

Gee, that was helpful, wasn't it - lol. Sorry!

PaintCrazy said...

I think it's better to comment even if you just say "ditto" than to not say anything unless you just truly have nothing to say. I have a bunch of people that are always telling me they read my blog but NEVER leave comments! I comment to most of the blogs I read but not all. Some, like Pioneer Woman, has 1000's of comments so I never bother even though sometimes I want to. Like today there was a photo of her refrigerator and when I saw it I was like, "WOW! Someone else who has 4 gallons of milk in their frig!" But I didn't post the comment.

TnTConnect said...

Thanks Paint Crazy...I think the concensus has been, try to leave a message unless the message is truly pointless. So, I guess that is what I will do from now on! :)

Thanks for the help.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful weekend.
God bless you and your family,

Mr. and Mrs. Geezer

Once Upon an Equine said...

I say comment on what you feel and just be sincere and polite. If there are other similar comments, it just means the blog post struck a common chord with a lot of people.

Beautiful farm picture in your header. I would have loved to grow up in such a place.

TnTConnect said...

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Geezer...You too!

One Upon An Equine: Thank you for your thoughts. I love the aerial view too, however, I did not grow up here, but my husband did.

Kathie Truitt said...

First of all, thank you for visiting me over at Hillbilly Debutante. I love your blog! I'm a farm girl now living in the city and it is so fresh to see the country and farm life through your eyes. You do us country folk proud!

We all like to have comments, but sometimes I simply don't have time to leave them. And I don't get discouraged when people don't leave too many comments on mine. Mainly because my blog is connected to Facebook and I get a lot of comments on F/B even if it looks like I'm not getting them on the actual blog itself. I'm an optimist so I just take it for granted that people are reading, but like me are pressed for time. And then the other part of me, I guess, really doesn't care. I just enjoy it and that is what matters the most!
So, even if I don't leave a comment every time, please know that I do care and I'm still stopping by every day.

TnTConnect said...

Thanks Kathie and I will be reading yours as well! :)